Thursday, March 3, 2016

About Nirit Levav

Nirit Levav is a designer and a multidisciplinary artist, who deals with the affinity between art and recycling.
In 1988, after she had graduated from Parsons School of Design, she started her path as a fashion designer, characterized with a distinguish utterance and an innovative style.
Over the years, alongside a successful career as an established fashion designer focusing on bridal and evening gowns, she continued to explore and experiment with different materials, and was practicing skills of jewelry-making, metalworking, pottery, ceramics, and more.
In 2010 Levav had decided to move on from fashion and devoted herself to art.
Her uniqueness is in the materials she chooses to create with and the non-conventional manners she works. She does not limit herself to traditional techniques, or conventional materials, but is constantly challenging herself and the matter by using techniques she develops herself.
At times her inspiration comes from wanting to create something specific, and other times it is the exploring of the matter which brings to the final outcome, without prior planning.
In the last few years, Lavav is working mainly with recycled materials she collects: Bicycle chains, motorcycle pistons, keys, light bulbs, watches, and more, from which she creates sculptures and outdoors large scale sculptures.
“First of all I collect different materials, mainly the kind people don’t want anymore. For them it is garbage and for me – a treasure..
I love the initial rough material, and it is inspiring for me to create delicate and refined things out of it. The contrast between the rough look of the material and the final refined outcome makes me exited..” (N.L 2015)
She inherited the love for reused materials from her mother, an arts and crafts teacher, and from her father, which was one of the leading set designers in Israel, and in his workshop nothing was thrown out to waste.
She says her engagement with recycling crosses the borders of her artistic work to other areas in her life.
About her artistic path and the nonconventional choices which characterize her work she says:
“I want to inspire people to believe that anything is possible, that anyone can step out of the strict frames of the fixed mind. That you could and you should bring something new, each and one of us in its own field. And mainly I want to make people happy, to surprise those who look at my work and inspire them to smile.”
Nirit Levav’s works were displayed in shows in the U.S.A, Europe and the far east, and are included in private art collections.

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